Digital Illustration
Various illustrations created mainly in Adobe Photoshop but sometimes Adobe Illustrator. To see illustrations that have a mixed media/hybrid/tradigital approach, see the page Sketchbook —> Digital.
Ramen Spirit / Beautiful But Bowl-Less
The Bataan Death March (styleframe for On The Hyphen, a student documentary film project)
Sensual Brain III: Central Nervous System
"Her name was forgotten. Her actions were remembered. The effects are unknown."
Dr. Kankurr Espik and Their Lab-Grown Children
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Split Halves
The Meadow Gate
Rose Child
Seeking A Coffin
Rough layout and design for scrapped short film
Her Spirit's Eyes (Neopets Nostalgia)
Screenshots from On The Hyphen
Story Chapter Illustration: "Projection"
Story Chapter Illustration: "The Video"
Oh Joy, A Zombie Rat
Wonky Characters
The Exonevariad Eats People (for "The Tether")
"Fruits of Deviation" background design
Unbalanced Umbilical Exchange
USC '20-'21 Animation Showcase Poster
Elys + Uncle Carlo character concepts from "The Tether"
Vulgora (from The Arcana game)
Portrait of Mira
Story Chapter Illustration: "Sruveillance"
Villma Wardrobe
Boukhalfa Wardrobe
Dr. Kankurr Espik and The Embryos of Their Future Lab-Grown Children
Sensual Brain II: The Body as an Amorphous Projection
Story illustrations
Pool of Undetermined Woes
Hannah (styleframe for On The Hyphen)
The Head Researcher Puts Ricco Back Together
Tibyris Knygill (DnD Character)
Mutant Rat-taur Siblings
The Sirene
Uterine Daisy Chain
Sensual Brain I: A Rainy Stroll with Hallucigenia
Underage Drinking
Story Chapter Illustration: "Self-Defense"
Story Chapter Illustration: "Jane Doe"
Womb Siblings
Mira Wardrobe
Their Uncertain Form
Sensual Brain II: The Body as an Amorphous Projection
Existential Torso Compilation
Magic Body Horror Story / U-Plasmatine
Ingris Wardrobe
Gals Being Pals / Immaterial Wings
Path of Destruction
"Le Petit Prince" color design and styleframe excerpts
Concept art for COALESCE/Your Own Little World
Various concepts from "The Tether"
They + He
The Scope of the Aberration
Indigestion poster
Jellysquid concept art for One Hand Clapping
Story Chapter Illustrations: "Overstimulation / The Floor Has Ears"